Month: February 2006

goodbye to rachel

matt and i will also be coming to minnesota for the funeral. it will be good to be with all of you right now. we will be getting in tomorrow afternoon around 4:30, and leaving sunday evening. as usual, i can be reached by sms or calling my u.s. mobile: 651-329-9878. matt will also have his with him, but it will of course be long distance to europe: +31 63 011 6747.

And upcoming plans…

oh yes… two entries in one evening! i am on a roll!

here are some of our schedule things that people may like to know. BY THE WAY, WE LOVE VISITORS! COME VISIT US!

my mom will be here march 15 through march 28. we are going to paris march 16-19, if anyone else will be there and wants to get together.

dick is moving to utrecht at the beginning of april, so if anyone has cool events in utrecht we should attend, we will therefore have a place to stay! (hi dick! see how i just assume my welcome! there has to be SOME upside to your departure.)

matt and i are going to molly and kenny’s wedding april 20-24. thus, we will be in minnesota.

mel will be here may 24 through june 7. we will unfortunately not be attending wave gotik treffen in leipzig because there are many events in leipzig this year at the same time and we weren’t able to find hotel rooms. dwain will i think be joining us for the second week of mel’s visit. we haven’t decided what we’ll be doing, since wgt is off (oh, sadness!), so if anyone sees any cool events in the benelux region that we should try to attend, please keep us posted.

so far, that’s all our plans. so, for those people who said they’d like to plan visits or trips this year that they want us to join them for, now you know a little bit of when works (or doesn’t) for us. now, get off your asses and get your tickets!

excuse me, i must now eat lasagne and go party!

carnaval maastricht

hi there! i know, i know… it’s been a long time. i’ve been busy. extremely. but here we are, waiting for evening and the first of our activities for carnaval. we’re going to luigi and maria’s for a party. matt is working on his latest, warmer, version of his cyborg/robot costume, and i’ve simply re-outfitted my masquerade/halloween costume for cold weather. this includes layers of long sleeved gowns under the other stuff, including my flamenco skirt, which i noticed while digging for the other things in the attic. what a find! it’s perfect.

last night, non-carnaval, we went to backstage for the first time in months, to get in a little GOOD music before we’re subjected to the hell that is carnaval music. ugh. thank goodness, it was a good night. very little shit neo-folk. i think i’ve come up with the explanation for why the cyber-fairies seem to love neo-folk… too many science fiction tv and movies! all the sexy weird aliens on tv come from primitive cultures who listen to strange music. anyway, it’s a theory.

many of our friends have escaped carnaval by leaving maastricht. i really don’t blame them. i don’t hate the costumes and insanity, but i do really hate the shit-stupid music that honks and toots its way around the city, blasting also from every bar, including the usually good ones. what is up with the music? i don’t think it’s technically necessary, and it’s really really awful. only good for waving shitty cheap pilsjes in the air and swaying. ugh.

that’s all for now. wish me luck not killing unsuspecting revellers!